Manchesters Chamber Means Business
But it doesnt forget the fun
Chamber of Commerce personnel from left: Debra Martin, interim executive director; Jewell Noblitt, president; and Lori Harryman, secretary
If youre looking for an example of how to get things accomplished, look no further than the Manchester Area Chamber of Commerce.
The chamber staff stays busy year-round with a wide range of events for area businesses, schools and the Coffee County community.
The Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development has given Manchester a Three-Star Certification for overall excellence in community and economic development. The chamber is the agency responsible for gathering and compiling all the data that is required for the Three-Star program.
Other chamber activities are aimed at encouraging local business development. They range from Industry Appreciation Week, held in conjunction with the city and county industrial boards each May, to Leadership in Progress, which arms business and civic leaders with leadership skills and community knowledge.
Some chamber events are just plain fun, such as the Industry Appreciation Golf Tournament and the Ladies Only Golfing Off Classic, which both occur during the summer. Another chamber-sponsored golf tourney takes place in the fall.
"The chamber also sponsors monthly membership programs featuring speakers selected to culturally enrich and educate the community," explains Jewell Noblitt, chamber president.
A Business and Industry Expo is held each August to provide area businesses the opportunity to showcase their products and services. Farm/City Day, an annual event held the first Friday in May, helps foster an understanding and appreciation of agribusiness throughout the community.
The chambers Education Foundation Committee is establishing an endowment to be used for a wide range of educational activities, ranging from scholarships to job training.
The chamber also works with the Manchester Tourist & Community Development Commission on marketing and promotional efforts. "Theres an ongoing campaign to enhance the image and pride in the Manchester area," Noblitt says.
by Dennis Sellers
Photo by David Mudd